Thursday, February 27, 2020

Criminal Justce Tools Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criminal Justce Tools - Assignment Example rst pioneered through the use and acceptance of the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) by both federal police agencies (such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation) and by local and state police organizations of the United States of America which enabled law enforcement organizations to enhance their crime fighting strategies based on effective criminal information gathering methods and effective analyst of data. As technology continues to evolve, the advent of the computer and consequently, the creation and use of advance analytical software or programs have greatly influenced the further effectiveness of police information management systems. Police intelligence or Law Enforcement Intelligence is a relatively new concept of policing since by tradition, most police agencies do not maintain a dedicated unit with full time intelligence officers and analysts, nor does most police agencies involved in the collection, collation, management or even share criminal information with appropriate members of the intelligence community. The need however for a police agency to have a dedicated intelligence capability have become more relevant with the advent of transnational crime and terrorism in the global scene, with law enforcement becoming more integral and dynamic with the continuing refinement of police methodologies and access to resources that better allows the police to more effectively serve the community. One of the most significant strides in technology which contributed to relevance of law enforcement intelligence is the existing and emerging technologies brought about by custom made software dedicated for law enforcement analytical functions, data management, intelligence production and dissemination. The dissemination of much needed intelligence by means of the internet makes its easier for large, medium and small police agencies to share intelligence and disseminate the same to other police agencies or jurisdiction, therefore directly contributing not only in

Monday, February 10, 2020

Ethical Issues in HRM Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Issues in HRM Strategy - Essay Example Thus, the rewards of practicing effective HRM practices are inevitable just as the dire consequences of sidestepping HRM principles are sure. Question 1 The area that overlaps in the new client organization with others that I have served in has to do with organizational performance. Herein, other areas such as creating a feasible performance target, carrying out performance appraisal, and establishing the best way for sealing performance gap emerge. This overlap is underpinned by the fact that performance is the main reason for general organization existence. Creating a performance target directly relates to all organization’s goals, vision and mission statement. Performance appraisal, on the other hand, will help determine whether an organization has hit its target or not, at the end of a fiscal year. Question 2 There are certain ethical issues that may accost the ratification of expert knowledge of other organizational HRM strategies with the new client. Particularly, the pr oposition that the client organization downsizes some of its staff to avoid redundancy and as part of closing the performance gap readily brings ethical concerns. This may mean that there are many who are going to forfeit their source of livelihood, their input in and experience with the client organization notwithstanding. Similarly, the signing of performance contracts may also underscore the ethical concern above since an employee’s security of tenure will be pegged on his performance. Conversely, persuading a part of the staff to embrace workshop and training programs may be an ethical challenge, given that some in this section may be older, both in terms of age and tenure in the client organization. At the same time, workshop drives and training programs may eat into employees’ private and family lives if study travels are involved (O'Higgins & Kelleher, 2005). Question 3 One of the best approaches to customizing HRM strategy to business strategies is the incorpor ation of HRM strategies into the business organization’s mission statement, objectives and strategy. By doing this, the business organization’s synergy will be extended and channeled towards the fulfillment of the client organization’s mission statement and long-term objectives. At the same time, the modus operandi that the business organization will be using is one that will be in tandem with HRM strategies. Some of these strategies that an organization may incorporate into its performance strategies may include the signing of performance contracts, introducing and observing workshop drives and training programs, and using behavioral techniques which portend the introduction of rewards (for diligent and committed employees) and punishment (for employees who consistently and knowingly disregard due diligence and proper workmanship) (Valentine & Hollingworth, 2012). As Caldwell and Truong (2011) suggest, another way by which HRM strategies can be customized to bu siness strategies is by making HRM strategies part of the organizational hierarchy. This means that the human resource manager must feature among other top echelons of the organization such as finance, marketing, corporate planning, supply chain management, sales and management. At the same